Monday, October 7, 2013

Homecoming at Sparta High School

     No one does homecoming like Sparta, Michigan does. The celebration starts in the high school, but extends to the entire community. At the high school, there is one general theme for homecoming. For example, this year's general theme was decades. But each graduating class votes for a specific theme that is related to the general theme and a color for the t-shirts they will wear the day of homecoming. This year, the freshmen had the 90's, the sophomores had the 70's, the juniors had the 20's, and then seniors had the 80's. Homecoming at school is a competition between grades to win an award called The Red Apple. (It's the red apple because Sparta is known for its Apple Orchards). The Red Apple gets awarded to the class with the most points won from each fundraiser, activity, and dress up days. Each graduating class has to develop a performance called Mock Rock and build a float for the parade based on their specific theme. Mock Rock is an all out performance, and includes music, dancing, costumes, and creativity. Each grade also has to design their own themed t-shirts to wear on the day of homecoming that get judged and placed for points. The two fundraising activities are a food drive and penny-a-point, in which each grade brings change in to earn as much money as possible. During the week leading up to homecoming, each day has a theme such as pajama day, decade day, crazy hair day, etc. During 3rd period, the teachers count how many students from each grade participated and the grade with the most participation gets the most points. The Friday at the end of homecoming week is not an academic day and each grade dresses up in their class color. Students gather in the gym once to listen to homecoming king and queen speeches and then go back to their assigned homerooms to vote for king and queen. The school then gathers back in the gym to participate in a plethora of different games and activities for points. During the games, the students in the crowd can earn points for sportsmanship by cheering for not only their grade, but the other grades as well. After the activities are done, everyone walks down to the football field for a quick pep rally and watch the school's marching band perform. The game is several hours afterwards, and the dance is the next day.
     Speaking from personal experience, homecoming is one of the absolute best times of the year. It's awesome to see everyone come together to work towards a common goal. Even though it is a competition and the other classes are your competition, it brings all the classes together, and the entire community together. None of my friends from other schools have a homecoming like ours at Sparta, and I'm so proud to say that. There is so much enthusiasm and everyone takes it very seriously. It's also fun to see how everyone improves each year. During my freshmen year, our theme was Antarctica for our "Around the World" homecoming theme. Our class color was a boring pale blue, and our Mock Rock was really simple. Sophomore year our homecoming theme was musicals and our class theme was Grease. Our Mock Rock was much more developed and we beat the Juniors. Our float had moving parts and lights and it was totally awesome. This year we had the 20s and our Mock Rock was great again and we took first place. Our float was a 20s' style streetcar/trolley that had upholstered seats and pretty light fixtures on the sides. Each year we get better and better and I'm excited to see how well we do next year.

1 comment:

  1. It will be so awesome to see what you guys do next year! It was very exciting for me to see my grade develop each year for the better! Freshmen indeed have no idea what is going on but by the time you're an old senior, you've pretty much got it in the bag!
