Thursday, May 22, 2014

To the incoming AP Biology students:

Welcome to AP Bio, kids!
First things first, you should be prepared to work hard and really learn this year. If you've never taken an AP class before this one, it is important to remember that the content and expectations are at a college level which, believe it or not, is a lot more challenging than a high school class. You will have big assignments, labs, and assessments that will be more difficult than what you have taken before.
But on the other hand, you should be excited because you obviously took this class because you have in interest in biology or a biology-related career, and it's super rad to learn more about what you're passionate about. Whether this class further peaks your interest in biology, or turns you off of it, it is a valuable experience and it will be worth your time, effort, and tears to continue on with the course.

Some Advice:

  • Your life will be much easier if you get your work done. This may seem obvious, but sometimes, it gets hard.
2. Get your work done ON TIME. 
  • Once again, it may seem obvious, but procrastinating is the worst idea you could have in this class and you will end up stressing hardcore over things that could've been avoided. You will end up getting much better grades on the things that you really spend time on, and time that wasn't spent rushing to get it done.
3. Don't get overwhelmed by big and scary words, or words that you don't know.
  • There will probably be times that you will feel like you're trying to read Mandarin Chinese because you don't understand any of the words being used. That's okay. The more you expose yourself to scary science words, the more you will understand at least the general idea of what you're reading. Just don't give up, and give it your best shot.
4. Study for the AP test more than a couple of weeks in advance. 
  • You should study for the AP test in several periods throughout the year because you will not retain anything by cramming. It is literally impossible to cram for the AP test, and that is not a challenge. 
5. Take the AP test!
  • You will literally be paying under $100 for a test that could save you THOUSANDS of dollars in college. 
  • Don't be scared of doing poorly; it could be worth every penny.
6. Have fun!
  • Don't look at the course as a whole in a negative light just because you find it hard or it stresses you out. 
  • Participate in discussions and ask about anything (biology related) that you think Mr. Landry could answer. The off-topic discussions were some of the best and most productive days in class.
  • Laugh at Mr. Landry's jokes. He's funny and he deserves to be appreciated.
Note: If Mr. Landry is mean to you, that means he likes you. Feel free to throw some insults right back at him. :)

Have fun in class! Make lots of memories and give it your best!
- Meagan 

What I Learned In Boating School is...

I learned so much in AP Bio, and I'm really not even sure where to start. Not only did I expand my knowledge of the biology field, I learned a lot about myself and what I plan to do after high school.

When I entered this class, I thought I knew a lot about biology because I did really well in my normal biology class the previous year. I quickly learned that there were still a lot of things I didn't know, and I was learning something new everyday in class. As I learned more and more every day in class, I kept making more and more connections. I started doing a lot better in my chemistry class because I could apply it with what I knew from AP Bio. I started hearing more about what we talkee about in class and seeing new discoveries associated with it. AP Bio has given me a much broader perspective on life in general and I find that very valuble.

I also learned a lot about myself, especially how much of a procrastinator I tend to be. I'm actually pretty glad I got myself into trouble by procrastinating a bit too much because I realized how urgent it was that I break that habit before I graduate. I also developed many study habits and homework routines that I beleive will benefit me when I ship off to college.

Overall, taking this class was one of the smartest things I've done all year. The hard work was really worth it and I'm really glad I decided to take this class.
A picture of me

A picture of Mr. Landry

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Cell Organelles

If I had to choose which cell organelle to be, I would pick the ribosome. Each cell has thousands of ribosomes which are small structures inside the cell that translate mRNA from the nucleus and use the information the RNA provides to make proteins. Every second, ribosomes can add 3+ amino acids to a protein. Proteins do almost everything in the cell. Some proteins transport other organelles and substances through the cell and to other cells. Other proteins act as receptors on the outside of the cell membrane and transmit messages between other cells and its own cell. Cells would not work efficiently, if at all, without proteins. Since ribosomes are in charge of making the proteins, the ribosomes are the most important cell organelle.
I chose this organelle because the ribosome makes the proteins for the cell using existing information from the DNA in the nucleus and thus helps fuel many vital cell processes. I really want to pursue a career in psychology and the ribosome is kind of like a psychologist. It uses information provided by the nucleus like using the information provided by a psychiatrist's patient and translates it into something that can be used properly, like a psychiatrist would diagnose a patient and help them with the disorder they have and help them become a fully functioning person.

One disease caused by difficulties with ribosomes is called Treacle or Treacher Collins Syndrome that usually results in deformities of the eye, ear, and facial bones. These deformities are the results of miscoded proteins in the cells that make up the tissues in those bones. Male infertility can also be caused by mutations in the RNA that ribosomes translate.